Genealogy Resolution Roundup: 2011

I am not the only geneal­o­gist who has writ­ten a blog entry about goals for the new year.

I thought it might be inter­est­ing to take a quick, and frankly, near­ly ran­dom sur­vey of what oth­er blog­gers and jour­nal­ists have said about their genealog­i­cal plans in the new year, or what your res­o­lu­tions should be …

LEARN ABOUT YOUR PAST. High­ly trained staff in the Main Library’s Geneal­o­gy & Local His­to­ry Depart­ment is ready and equipped to help the begin­ner and the advanced researcher find a family’s roots. The depart­ment is one of the largest repos­i­to­ries of genealog­i­cal mate­r­i­al in the nation. More infor­ma­tion is avail­able at

  • Megan Toth of the Syos­set Patch in Syos­set, New York lists “Learn Some­thing New” as num­ber 4 on her “New Year, New Res­o­lu­tions” list, and the top item under learn some­thing new is “Learn more about your fam­i­ly’s roots at Geneal­o­gy class­es offered at the Syos­set Pub­lic Library on Wednes­day, Jan. 5 at 7 pm.”
  • Julie Cahill Tarr writes an orga­nized and thought­ful piece on what she got accom­plished in 2010, and what she would like to do in terms of geneal­o­gy in 2011. It was espe­cial­ly good to see her talk­ing about help­ing “some­one else with their geneal­o­gy.” She also plans to fin­ish her ProG­en study group and … wait for it … “Stop slack­ing on this blog.”
  • Randy Seaver writes a volu­mi­nous list of goals for 2011, while acknowl­edg­ing he did­n’t get every­thing done that he would have liked to in 2010. The list is orga­nized into groups: Research, Data Orga­ni­za­tion, Geneal­o­gy Data­base, Edu­ca­tion, Soci­ety Activ­i­ties, Speak­ing and Teach­ing, Writ­ing, and … final­ly Real Life, where he (or is it his wife on his behalf?) agrees to try to lim­it his geneal­o­gy work to 10 hours a day.

What are your goals for the new year?